Prevention of Infection Policy
In St. Mary’s Nursery, we aim to prevent the spread of infection by following the rules for good hygiene.
The cleaner, employed by the nursery, washes and sanitises the toilets each morning before the children arrive.
The toilets are inspected regularly throughout the morning to make sure toilets are flushed and that the cubicles are clean.
The importance of hand washi犀利士
ng is stressed to all members of staff and to the children.
Kitchen sanitiser sprays are used to clean the tables.
Resources are cleaned regularly.
All members of staff are aware of our Personal Hygiene Policy and this also gives guidance regarding the exclusion of staff/children suffering from diarrhoea and/or vomiting.
*Amendment for COVID -19
Handwashing facilities are accessible for all staff and children. Hand sanitiser is also available for all children, staff and parent/carers.
Soap and water is available and should always be used rather than hand sanitiser. Staff should ensure enhanced hand hygiene measures are in place.
Wash hands for 20 seconds with soap and water.
Hand washing should take place:
* on arrival in the setting
* before and after eating
* after toileting
* at regular intervals throughout the day
* when moving between different areas
Staff will continue to wear PPE as appropriate.
Surfaces and objects that are touched regularly will be wiped down at regular intervals following a checklist.
Outdoor sink has been fitted for both children and staff to use.
No one will be permitted to enter the nursery apart from staff and children.
Children will remain in their designated playroom and outdoor area in order to minimise movement.
A monthly deep clean will take place in all playrooms by a cleaning company.
A box will be available in all play rooms containing all PPE required should someone become unwell with COVID symptoms.
Where possible resources will be cleaned weekly through the dishwasher.
Large resources will be cleaned daily eg easles, bikes etc with outdoor hose.
Fixtures eg light switches, door handles etc and telephones will be cleaned hourly.
HGIOELC: 1.1, 3.1
Infection Prevention and Control in Childcare Settings
EDC guidance for reopening ELC phase 3
Health protection Scotland non – health care setting guidance
Infection Prevention and Control in Childcare settings
NHS inform COVID – 19
Health and Social Care Standards
Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 2020